Tech neck, also referred to as text neck, is a newly coined term for poor posture from being hunched over and staring at a screen. It comes from the rise in modern technology and the drastic increase in time we spend in front of phones, laptops and devices.

The neck is made up of 7 vertebral bodies (bones) which are separated by disc’s which act like spongy shock absorbers. These joints are then held together by muscles and ligaments to provide stability and mobility. The neck also has a curve positioned in a C shape (often referred to as our ‘arc of life’). This C shape which is known as a lordosis is very important because it means that pressure can be equally distributed. However, if we are constantly looking forward and down, micro-traumas can accumulate over time and eventually begin to structurally damage the bones, discs and even nerves.
Did you know… On average, an adult’s head weighs 4.5 – 5.5kg in a neutral position and as the head tilts forward, the force on the neck increases. In fact, if your head is tilted forward by 15 degrees, the weight on your neck more than doubles to 12kg! While another study has found if your head is tilted forward by 45 degrees, the force increase to approximately 22kg!
Common Signs & Symptoms of Tech Neck:
- Neck pain
- Headaches
- Tight muscles in the neck and shoulders
- Reduced range of motion in the neck
- Poor posture and a forward head carriage
What can you do if you have Tech Neck?
Chiropractic care focuses on the neuromusculoskeletal system, specifically spinal alignment. As tech neck stems from poor spinal health, chiropractic care can be very effective in not only alleviating the signs and symptoms but also preventing tech neck. In addition to chiropractic care though, it is important to address the other root cause – looking forward and down at a screen. When using a phone, hold it up with your other hand supporting your elbow holding the phone. Also, ergonomics is very important. For example, if you are using a laptop, try to prop it on something up high so that the top 1/3rd of the screen is at eye level and then use an external mouse and keyboard. For reading books and documents often, you can look at using a document holder.
If you believe you are suffering from Tech Neck, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr Cindy Lam at Provolution Health on 6299 2660.