Have you ever been to the dentist?
For most people, the answer is yes.
Why did you go? To get your teeth cleaned?
Again, most people would answer yes.
The cleaning of the teeth is called dental hygiene. Dental hygiene is a preventative against decay that can lead to permanent teeth damage and the need for dental fillings or caries (dental surgery).
Did you know that people also visit chiropractors to have their spines cleaned?
What does this mean exactly?
Spinal hygiene is similar to dental hygiene in that it requires daily care– such as brushing and flossing your teeth–and regular checkups. When your dental hygiene is compromised and you develop a cavity, no amount of brushing or flossing can fix it. You need to see a dentist. Similarly, if you have a vertebral subluxation, only a chiropractor can analyse, detect, and correct it.
Just as a dentist often uses x-rays to identify problems with your teeth and mouth, chiropractors also use x-rays to get a clearer picture of what’s happening with your spine. These x-rays allow chiropractors to accurately diagnose the structural and functional causes of your discomfort.

X-ray images reveal the alignment of your spine. Correct spinal alignment can be assessed both from a posture standpoint and a x-ray curvature perspective. Proper alignment can be broken down into what is visible from both the front and side views.
From the front view, correct spinal alignment involves levelling the eyes, ears, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles. Your body weight should be evenly distributed on both sides.
From the side, proper alignment should show a straight vertical line running through the ear, shoulder, hip, knee and ankle.
X-ray images of a healthy spine should show a reverse “C” curve in the neck and lower back (lordosis) and a “C” curve in the mid-back (kyphosis). The vertebra (spinal building blocks) should appear wide, with ample disc space between them.
Maintaining good spinal hygiene and alignment can improve posture, enhance structural integrity, and ultimately increase the quality of life and self-expression.
Good spinal hygiene practices involve more than just chiropractic adjustments; they also include stretching, strengthening and conditioning. Additionally, maintaining good spinal hygiene helps prevent poor biomechanics, spinal changes and even degenerative conditions–similar to how dental hygiene practices prevent dental caries.
To properly address your spinal hygiene, a professionally trained chiropractor will take a holistic approach, conducting a thorough history and physical examination. They may use advanced techniques and x-ray imaging to get a detailed view of your spinal health, identifying areas that could be preventing you from feeling your best.

Get back to doing what you love
Get in touch with a professionally trained chiropractor at Provolution Health to start realising your full health potential. Call us on 02 6299 2660 or email us at info@provolutionhealth.com.au