Have you ever wanted to feel better, function better, adapt better, heal better, live life fully and completely, and wondered why it is that some people are able to experience the full gifts of their health and life potential and others do not?
Not many people know this little-known scientific revelation and breakthrough – but those who do are powerfully and profoundly transformative in their health and quality of life. Are you ready to know this secret?
The structure of your spine, for better or worse, can either be limiting or enhancing your health potential and expression of life!
This neurological phenomenon is not only true, but it will be a revelation as I share breakthrough content throughout this series of blogs. To start this conversation, we need to understand more about how the structure of your spine influences the function of your nervous system.
The relationship between your spine and nervous system is the ultimate determinant of a person’s health. The nervous system is the master control centre that governs and coordinates every single function in the human body. Without our nervous system, we simply wouldn’t exist!
The nervous system comprises the brain, spinal cord and the nerves exiting the spinal cord.
The brain communicates information down the spinal cord and through the spinal nerves to facilitate the function of every single organ and bodily tissue. The spinal cord is encased within the spine, whilst the brain is encased within the cranium.

The primary goal of these structures is to provide protection for our nervous system. The nervous system is so important that it is encased by these hard structures of our body. The brain is encased by the skull and the spinal cord is encased by the spine and vertebra. The nervous system is so important it deserves its own suit of armour because, the nervous system does as I have already alluded to, coordinate and control every function in the body.
As I alluded to earlier in this blog, the structure of your spine can be impacting your health and life potential- how and why is this?
Because the nervous system is the vehicle for transmission of intelligence through the body!
Stay with me, this is going to be a revelation for you!!
Your body has an innate intelligence, an inborn wisdom. The definition of innate is existing in, belonging to or determined by factors present in an individual from birth.
Intelligence refers to the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
Put more simply, if you have a cut, the cut heals, right? Of course it does. How about if you have a bruise? The bruise heals as well! If you have a cold or the flu, the body’s immune system eventually wins that battle and restores you to health and wellbeing.
How does all of this healing take place? The body is designed to heal, and the intelligence of the body, the same intelligence that causes a cut or bruise to heal, activates your immune system and causes your heart to beat even without you thinking about it or you to breath without conscious involvement.
Truly, your body has an innate intelligence, an inborn wisdom that causes you to respond positively to your environment, to heal, to adapt, and to be the best version of yourself.
In essence, innate intelligence is the inbuilt intelligence or power source in your brain, that silently runs your body for you with the wisdom of nature that is within itself. For instance, when you step outside into the sun, your inbuilt senses within your nervous system convey signals from your brain down your spinal cord, communicating to the rest of your body about the external environment, the air temperature, your skin temperature and an unimaginable array of other data.
It is a divinely infinite, inborn wisdom that animates our internal living world. Therefore, it is the inner voice that guides the body in adapting to its environment.
Innate intelligence allows for the flow of conscious reality which allows a person to express life fully and completely heightens their health potential.
In contrast to this, people can also have limitations to their human potential.
For instance, imagine a person who has lost their arm. Whilst a person who has lost their arm does not lose their individual identity, they do however lose the ability to pick up a knife and eat a meal.
In this instance, this alters the engagement that person’s potential has, and changes their conscious reality.
Now you might be asking yourself, how is this relevant to your structure?
Well, it is the limitations within our nervous system that results in an alteration of our body’s potential.
Our spine is supposed to act like a spring, in order for intradiscal forces to be evenly distributed between the front and the back of our spine.
If this distribution is interfered with. When we lose these curves in our spine or there is excessive spinal curvature this alters the normal loading pattern of the spine from a tensile load to a compressive load.
This compressive load places increased stress upon our joints, discs, spinal cord, and spinal nerves which results in alterations in our movement patterns, muscle loading patterns, and can affect the supply and innervation to the vital organ systems of our body.
This leads to a condition, known as, vertebral subluxation.
The Australian Spinal Research Foundation defines a vertebral subluxation in five different categories. These include a diminished state of being, comprising a state of reduced coherence, altered biomechanical function, altered neurological function, and altered adaptability.

How do these categories present in a chiropractic office?
Altered biomechanical function:
- Uncoordinated movement patterns
- Abnormal movement patterns
- Painful movement
- Reduced mobility
- Fixated joints
- Degenerative change
- Disc dysfunction or damage
- Scoliosis or loss of natural curves
- Inflammation
Altered neurological function:
- Altered messages within the nervous system
- Altered messages back to the brain
- Pain and diminished neurological regulation of systems of the body
- Altered perception of how a person engages with the world
Altered adaptability:
- Reduced variation in heart rate
- Reduced coping or capacity to adapt
- Lack of resilience
- Altered skin conduction, altered thermoregulation/skin temperature and increased or asymmetry muscle tone or spasms
Reduced coherence:
- Interference to the quality of forming the unified whole resulting in diminished self-regulation
- Dis-harmony or imbalance
Diminished state-of-being:
- Dis-ease or dysfunction
- Feeling ‘out of balance’
- Not experiencing peak health or full expression of life
How do we correct these alterations to our nervous system?
Chiropractors are specialised individuals trained to remove these vertebral subluxations from our nervous system. They achieve this through chiropractic adjustments. These chiropractic adjustments remove interference between the brain and body through providing a specific neurological input into one’s nervous system, therefore removing dysregulation.
This provides coordination that the body requires to create health and the 5 signs of life.
The 5 signs of life include; assimilation, excretion, adaptability, growth, and reproduction.
Assimilation pertains to your body’s ability to absorb and use certain food material for growth, maintenance, and becomes a part of who you are. If your body is unable to meet the requirements it needs, it leads to malnourishment and starvation of the tissues of the body.
Excretion relates to the understanding that every health cell in the human body produces waste. Your body has specific pathways to detoxify and eliminate these waste materials. If there was not a means to rid the cells of these toxins, the cells would suffer and perish as a result.
Adaptability refers to the ability of an organism to respond to all forces that come at it. In essence, our bodies are constantly required to adapt to our environment in order to overcome stressors, whether physical, mental, and chemical. If we fail to adapt to a stressor the result is a net loss in health, thus having the potential to shorten our life’s trajectory. If this happens repeatedly over the course of a lifetime, these net losses accumulate and can become symptomatic.
Growth is connected to our ability to expand to maturity according to an intelligent plan. Every cell in your body acts according to this rule and follows specific parameters of growth in both amount and direction. Cellular undergrowth and overgrowth suggest lack of coordination within the body.
Reproduction is an essential primal function organism have in order to replace injured and expired cells and tissues. Cellular reproduction is not accomplished by chance or without intelligent control.
The 5 signs of life demonstrate whether you are existing and operating at the highest level of your health and life potential, and we know that interference in the nervous system affects the body’s ability to coordinate and regulate every single function in the body, including the 5 signs of life. The natural conclusion is that your nervous system is not experiencing its full potential and your ability to exhibit the 5 signs of life are limited as well.
Naturally, when the signs of life are interfered with, so too is how our body functions to perform, often producing signs and symptoms in the body.
Symptoms are a way of your body communicating dis-function and dis-harmony within your nervous system are indicative of limitation of health and expression of life.
In this way, symptoms are the messager, they are your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. A little bit like a red warning light that comes on the dash in your car indicating that you are low on fuel or low on oil, ignoring the red warning light is ignoring an underlying problem of the car that is going to lead to further damage.
In this regard, symptoms are the effect. The warning light is that something is wrong because something has not been addressed or attended to. This is the principle of cause and effect. Low oil is the cause of the red warning light.
Symptoms are the effect based on an underlying cause. A common cause or reason for the symptoms of your body is interference of the nervous system, vertebral subluxation can be considered one of these causes.
As such, if you want to optimise the expression of health and life you need to understand what is causing limitations of the expression of health and life- and what can cause dysregulation of the nervous system? Vertebral subluxation.
As such, if you want to express health and life potential, you need to remove causes so that the body’s natural healing potential is activated, and this is correcting vertebral subluxation.
The solution for removing these symptoms, and facilitating the healing appropriate for enhancing your quality of life is by having a professionally trained chiropractor take a thorough history and physical examination to identify the cause, and determine the best individualised pathway appropriate to enhance your health both now and into the future.