With World Day for Safety and Health at Work coming up soon on Thursday 28th April, it’s important to be aware of workplace risks. According to Safe Work Australia, in 2018-2019 87% of serious workers’ compensation claims were for musculoskeletal disorders and 40% of these claims were joint, ligament, muscle and tendon injures. One of the leading causes of these injuries is from lifting and loading. This is because when you lift something, the load on your spine increases. Naturally, your spine can only bear so much before it is injured. However, coupled with poor lifting technique, the amount your spine can bear further decreases. Below are some simple steps to follow for lifting safely to prevent back injuries.

Assess whether you can lift this object or if a further pair of helping hands are needed
Stand close to the object you are going to lift
Place your feet shoulder-width apart
While keeping your back straight, bend your knees and squat to the level of the object
Keep the object load close to your body
Squeeze your core to smoothly and slowly lift the object using the strength of your arms and legs
Pivot and move your whole body in the direction you want to move and avoid twisting
Bend your knees and slowly lower the object to its new location
Theoretically, with the right posture and technique, you should not have any problems with lifting objects of reasonable weight. However, it is important that you ensure your spine, most particularly your lower back, is well functioning, strong and healthy. This is something chiropractic care helps with — ensuring your spine and nervous system is free of any misalignments and interference. To book to have your spine checked, contact Provolution Health on 6299 2660 or info@provolutionhealth.com.au